Monday, June 23, 2008

Yes, It's True.

I have forgiven Reggae.

For years I hated it with a passion and couldn't understand it - or more specifically, couldn't understand why all of the preppy popular kids and surfers in my high school loved it so much. It was outside of my world and way beyond my grasp. But somehow something snapped in my head over the past couple years, and now I can appreciate it. I enjoy its "crunchy" spaciness, and that feeling it exudes of just letting it all go. (I can understand why it's always been big amongst the pot heads). I think it was just a matter of me maturing and becoming my own person. That was confirmed over the past several months by two things - 1) The use of Bob Marley's "Legend" in the Will Smith film "I Am Legend". That scene with Will Smith singing "Three Little Birds" as he held his dead dog in his arms absolutely killed me. As much as I love dogs, I can't watch that scene with dry eyes. I was traumatized when he had to kill her because she was exposed to the zombie blood. 2) The Easy All-Stars' cover of Radiohead's "Airbag". Pure genius. For your listening pleasure, here is sample of the song from youTube. Sorry it's of such poor audio quality. This was apparently filmed by a concert goer in Monterey, probably on a cell phone. I also have it in my blog playlist if you'd like to hear the studio version. Groovin'.

"In an interstellar band, I'm back to save the Universe."

1 comment:

Jetty said...

I've always loved reggae. Not that I actually buy any reggae albums, of course I've got some Marley, but there's a station on XM that plays reggae that I listen to sometimes.

Aren't I glamorous?