Saturday, June 21, 2008

Omi & The Giant Television

So about a week and a half ago my mom's 8 year old tv kicked the bucket and she was forced to go buy another one. I know it was a really emotional event for her. It seems that since my dad passed away all kinds of things have been giving up or falling apart. It pained her to get rid of that tv set, just like it pained her to trade in my dad's Dodge Durango for the much more economical Scion. She knows that they're just "things", but they have that history and emotional connection behind them of being owned/purchased by my dad. It's hard to say goodbye, even after two years. Anyway, I tried to get a picture of her in front of her new 42" plasma set, but she was being a weinie and wouldn't let me take a proper photo. I understand. But hey, she's the first in our family to own such a cool-ass tv. Now if only she could figure out how to use that remote control with the "large print" buttons!

1 comment:

Jetty said...

That's funny! How does she like the Scion? I still love mine. I put over 1,000 miles on it last weekend. I was kinder to her this weekend but I'm headed back up to North Carolina Friday.
I just purchased a 42" plasma television myself. It pained me to spend so much money on a boob tube but since I saved so much cash buying everything at Ikea I rationalized.

Aren't I glamorous?