Monday, June 9, 2008

The Weekend

And so another weekend is quickly fading away. Where do they all go? To recap, yesterday I took a morning Bikram class, then headed to the NEX for a haircut (which ended up being a 2 hour ordeal - I should know better than going on a Saturday afternoon!). I came home and lounged around like a three-fingered tree sloth until dinnertime, when Akemi and I headed down to Caribee Key, where we met Rob. We were about to head off to see "Iron Man", but Rob wanted to go see a girl (one of the Bikram students) he has a crush on who works at Ruth's Chris in Ponte Vedra (an upscale area south of Jax Beach). She wasn't working last night, so we just had a good time over a couple drinks at the bar. It's always good entertainment to watch the Mary Janes and Biffs try to impress each other. People-watching is good fun; I should have been a sociologist. I had my car parked by a valet. I don't why, but I always feel like a tool when I get valet parking - like I'm so helpless that I can't park my own freakin' car. Maybe I'm just too humble. I think even if I had Bill Gates' bankroll, I'd still want to park my own car!

Today, I finally took care of the lawn in the blistering heat. It wasn't too soon. I have a feeling if I didn't take care of it, the neighbors might show up outside our door with pitchforks and torches. Fire baaaaad!! Following, we went over to Akemi's friends' house for a little izakaya-style cookout. I didn't know anyone, but I got to play Wii for a little while. Her friends have a refurbished player piano that's over a hundred years old that they cranked up. That was pretty cool! They have countless "scrolls" for it of a lot of classics, all with a decidedly ragtime flavor to them. It's wild to think that that was THE entertainment back in the day, before tv and even radio.

I was kind of bummed that Vampire Weekend performed down in St. Augustine tonight, but the show has been sold-out for a couple months now. Oh well - I'll catch them some other time.

This week will be good and short - four workdays and then I'll head down to Orlando on Friday for an endodontics meeting. Hopefully, I find out some good news, job-wise, this week. 'Nuff said.

1 comment:

Jetty said...

I hate valet parking! I always think of those 80's movies where they get in your car and the second you turn your back they haul ass in it. I had my tires replaced Friday and the guy drove my Scion around the corner. When he assumed he was out of sight he took off. I could see him through the window of the store.

Aren't I glamorous?