Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hey Kids!

Can you name this character? He was created in 1952 by Japanese cartoonist Osamu Tezuka. Winners receive a year's supply of natto! Please give his Japanese and U.S. names...


Jetty said...

Astro Boy/ Tetsuwan Atomu, you can keep the natto! My brother had a bunch of those toys from our first tour when he was a boy. My nieces love natto and he says he won't let them bring it in the house anymore because it stinks so much so the girls love to go out to the sushi bar. I remember once I was at a rolling sushi bar reaching for some maguro and some natto got stuck on my hand. I couldn't scrub the smell off for the life of me!

Berndog said...

Natto rules! I couldn't get enough of it in Japan, and now I can only get it here frozen from the Japanese grocery store. I researched online how to make it at home but it's kind of involved and you have to make huge batches of it at a time to make it worthwhile. Plus, Akemi doesn't want to stink up the whole house with fermenting natto. She likes it too, but not nearly as much as I do!

Jetty said...

How could you ever get past the smell?! They have it at both of my regular sushi joints here.

Berndog said...

Oh, that smell is fantastic! So rotten, so disgusting, it can only taste good - like an aged crafted cheese. All gourmet foods are in some stage of rotting/fermentation!

Jetty said...

That smell is not fantastic! It's one of the worst smells ever! I could bottle it and sell it as a weapon!

Aren't I glamorous?