Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fight The Power

Everyone loves a good protest song! I especially like ones that have videos filmed in Japan, like this one "Profit In Peace" by Ocean Colour Scene. This is one of those Brit pop bands (sort of) that was totally ignored by America. I have a couple of their albums and really like them. This is the song that really turned them on to me. It was a staple of 76.1 InterFM for several months during the summer of 1999 in Japan, so this song brings back so many great memories. When I finally bought this song, I played it over and over and over and over! Isn't it funny how a 3 and a half minute long pop song can represent a huge chunk of your life?


Jetty said...

I dig the song and I'd heard of the band, but not their music before now. I remember them being all over Q magazine which I used to read. I was at Barnes and Noble yesterday looking for a book on gardening and checked out the latest issue of Q. Ten bucks! Not even a CD included! Crazy! I used to go to a bookstore called Chapter 11 before they closed years ago and I'd get the current issues of NME, Mojo, and Q. Not for ten bucks, though!

Berndog said...

This song is really special for me. There's a couple others from 1998-1999 that are also like that, some cheesy; i.e. "Tubthumping" by Chumbawamba - I remember dancing "on" a bar with a bunch of other people in Tokyo to that song (at the request of the staff). How obnoxious that is, when I think about it now! Stupid Americans! I always wonder if that bar is still around, and if people still do that....!

Yeah, those import mags are expensive!

So did Chapter 11 claim "Chapter 11" before closing? (hardee-har-har!!)

Jetty said...

They did actually, and they posted it on flyers on the door before they closed. I heard "Tubthumping" the other day on the Lucy station on my XM. That's basically all that channel is, like someone came into my house and stole my CD collection in the 90's. I'll be listening to it tomorrow night for sure. I heard the Soup Dragons "Divine Thing" yesterday. I forgot all about that song!

Aren't I glamorous?