Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Emergencies Can Be Fun

So I'm getting ready for the upcoming Florida hurricane season. We're stocking up on bottled water and canned food. Also, I just got this cool emergency radio from a company called Eton. I first saw an ad for their products a couple years ago in Time magazine. They're endorsed by the American Red Cross. This radio has a battery that can be recharged via A/C current, solar, or a manual handcrank. It also has a built in flashlight, siren, alarm clock, cell phone recharger, and can pick up NOAA weather stations. Would have been nice to have this when our power went out for 4 and a half days in Virginia Beach in 2003 after Hurricane Isabel.


Jetty said...

That's an awesome thing to have hurricane season or not! I may look into one of those. Georgia Power sucks during the summer, a tree will knock out a power line in a storm and it takes them forever to get it back up. My boyfriend and I were just discussing last night having an emergency bag handy.

Berndog said...

Just go to You can see what's available. Then there's a link to order it from

Aren't I glamorous?