Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Law and Order

So I took a nap earlier this evening and awoke to that familiar theme song from 'Law & Order'. Now, I know that it's a popular show, but I have never watched an entire episode until tonight. I was still kind of groggy and a captive audience, so I watched it because it guest-starred Robin Williams. He was sort of a brilliant, conniving audio technician who manipulated people to do things that were either illegal or socially-deviant to prove a point that we are all conformist sheep controlled by the system. I don't know if this sort of plot is typical for this show, but it was really interesting, though a little derivative of some of his previous characters and plot twists, e.g. 'Good Will Hunting', 'One Hour Photo', and 'The Fisher King'. He mysteriously escaped arrest at the end of the episode via a bomb explosion, so maybe he'll return in later episodes as a recurrent arch-villian sort of character. Maybe he'll have a super-villian costume on next time. An odd episode, but captivating. That reminds me -- I recommend "Mystery Men" with Ben Stiller if you haven't already seen it. I love that movie; it's so ridiculous but entertaining. You can catch it almost every other day on one cable station or another.

...Can't you tell? I really gotta turn off the TV and get a life.

1 comment:

Jetty said...

Ha! That movie was on the other day as I was flipping through the channels. Paul Reubens aka Pee Wee Herman was disgusting in that!

Aren't I glamorous?