Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hot Pockets!

Hi all! Last night I had a great time with my brother and sister-in-law going to see stand-up comedian Jim Gaffigan at the University of North Florida Arena. You may have caught his routine, "Beyond The Pale", on Comedy Central, as well as multiple appearances on Conan and Letterman. He's also had bit parts on "Sex In The City", "My Boys", as well as a handful of other shows and movies. His act is very original, in that he puts a clever spin on everyday topics, like gifts (bathrobes), bean bags, furniture, bacon, and Hot Pockets (a real crowd-pleaser), but also includes a little side-voice which sounds like a prudish woman scrutinizing his act. It's hard to explain without actually having you have a listen! Check out all of his appearances on his website at He went on for about an hour and a half and covered a lot of great material, some old but mostly new. He actually appeared in the lobby for photos and autographs afterward, but we couldn't take pictures because we had to leave our cameras in the car because they were not allowed in the venue. When we walked back to the car, got the camera, then walked back to the Arena, we were not allowed re-entry by the pretend-cops! How does that logic work - no cameras allowed, but also no reentry if you go to your car to get your camera. When my brother pointed out the fault in this logic to the make-believe cop guarding the door, he just spaced out like he was doing long-division in his head.

"I've never eaten a Hot Pocket and then afterward was like, "Gee, I'm glad I ate that".

"I went over to my friend's house and they had that chair shaped like a hand, and I said 'I didn't know that your dad did cocaine'"

"One year for my birthday somebody gave me a bathrobe, so I asked 'Are we getting ready to shoot a porno?'"

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Aren't I glamorous?