Saturday, April 5, 2008

River Run 2008

So the Gate River Run 2008 was held on Saturday, March 8. I ran in the 15K and Akemi ran in the 5K. I ran five half marathons last year, and I was running almost every day in Japan, but I have been a slacker since we've settled into our new house and now run typically only 2-3 times per week. Hence, the 15K (~9mi) was a little bit of a challenge. I finished in about 1:24. It was a cold, blustery day, but sunny. About 15,000 people ran, which was cool to see so many people excited about running, but at the same time it was a pain in the ass to have to dodge slower runners throughout the first half of the race just because they started in the lineup ahead of me. The course included two bridges, the Main Street bridge and the Hart bridge. The wind tossed me around on the Hart bridge, but running the Wonderwood bridge near our house had prepared me well. Running through historic San Marco and along the banks of the St. John's River were pretty cool too. Unlimited, free beer (and other food) was available in the expo area after the race, so it was so nice to get our beer on afterward! A good time was had by all!

Aren't Port-a-potties fun?! Here's a whole armada of them!

1 comment:

Jetty said...

Is that Alltel Stadium in the background?

Aren't I glamorous?