Monday, April 28, 2008

Weekend Festivities

Wassup rockers! Overall, it was a nice, relaxing weekend. Yesterday included a Bikram class, shopping at St. John's Town Center, a visit with Mom, and dinner/drinks with yoga friends last night. We went out to a posh little place at Atlantic Beach called Mezzaluna, and were lucky enough to get a table outside on the patio without reservations (a rarity on a weekend!). It's funny because we had a sizable bill, but nobody actually had an entree. We just drank a lot and ate a bunch of appetizers including mozzarella/basil/tomato, crab legs, fried calamari, and some deep-fried risotto-cheese balls (why are "deep-fried" and "cheese" magical words when combined together?). Afterward, we hit another beach bar standard, Campeche Bay. The gathering was supposed to be a going-away party for one of Akemi's fellow instructors, who actually didn't show up for her own farewell. What's up with that!

Today, slightly hungover but still ambulatory, I dragged myself out to Akemi's 10am class and sweated out all of the toxins. The weather was so incredible so we decided not to waste it and hit the beach for about an hour of surfing. It was a big soupy, choppy mess, but fun nonetheless.

I also caught a couple Netflix movies. The first was "Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room", a documentary about the whole Enron energy firm scandal. Very captivating and informative. I was in residency when all of that was going down, so I never caught the whole story. The greed and manipulation of the Enron stock traders was of a titanic scale. I learned that those rolling power outages in California a few years ago were not due to power shortage or technical problems. Enron traders actually told California power companies to shut down for hours at a time (for which they received kickbacks, of course). They did that in order to sell more power to the state, but at sky-high rates, sending California into debt at the tune of about $31 billion. Wild!

The other movie was "Breakfast On Pluto". Don't waste your time with this stinker! It was crap-tastic! Boring and a waste of over two and a half hours of my life. Basically, it's about cross-dressing Patrick/Patricia, an Irish lad orphaned by his mom as a baby who comes of age in the 1970s and travels to London to locate her, while in the same instance getting mixed up with the Irish Republican Army. I found out afterward that it was directed by the same guy that did "The Crying Game", a respectable but overrated flick. He should have known that lightning probably wouldn't strike twice for him with another movie about a transvestite and done something else. I like actor Cillian Murphy ("28 Days Later"), but this movie sucked.

1 comment:

Jetty said...

So not fair that you can just head to the beach whenever you feel like it. Must you taunt people?

I watched "Superbad" yesterday since it was raining and I bought it almost a month ago without doing so. I thought it might be lame but it was really friggin' funny!

Aren't I glamorous?