Friday, April 11, 2008

Last Trip, Japan - Second Day In Kanazawa Pt. 2

Thanks for the replies on my last post. If you guessed that this is my high school yearbook photo, you were correct!! Congratulations! I don't know about your school, but back in my day shiny one-piece nylon jumpsuits were all the rage!

Just kidding of course! The man pictured in the photo is Canadian magician, illusionist, and escape artist Doug Henning. A perennial flamboyant figure on 1970s prime-time television, who was also involved with transcendental meditation (with claims to have the ability to levitate!). He unfortunately passed away in 2000 from liver disease. The world is lost without the likes of him and painter Bob "Fluffy Little Trees" Ross. May God rest their gentle souls.

For everyone that guessed correctly, you'll receive one free mustache ride!

Back to Kanazawa. On our second day, following the historic ninja temple, we jumped into the present/future with a visit to the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, where we also enjoyed a buffet lunch with Akemi's parents. The museum is unique in that the building is a perfect circle. Some of the pieces featured were very bizarre, requiring an open mind to digest. I really enjoyed it, especially the swimming pool, which is one of the permanent exhibits featuring what appears to be a conventional swimming pool from above ground, but which can also be entered internally via access through the museum. The water visible from the surface is only about 2-3" deep covering a sheet of glass. Visitors can see each other from below (or "inside" the pool) and above. Here's a few pics. Sorry - no pics from within the museum as cameras were verboten!

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Aren't I glamorous?