Friday, April 25, 2008

Vampire Weekend

Hey hipsters - you may have heard me raving about this band, Vampire Weekend. Well you gotta check out the video for their song "Punk A" on YouTube. Very minimalist, but very creative, kind of like the OK Go video that came out 2 years ago (Remember? The one with the treadmills?). This is a great video and a great band. Hope I can catch them when they play at Cafe Eleven in St. Augustine in June (although it's not looking good right now - the venue's website says "sold out").

1 comment:

Jetty said...

I've been hearing a lot of buzz about them lately and will have to check them out. I just looked at their Wiki page and their bassist is Scott Baio's nephew. Just a random fact there. By the way, OK Go is awesome.

Aren't I glamorous?