Friday, April 25, 2008

Last Trip, Japan - Second Day In Kanazawa Pt. 4

Hey all! Sorry for not posting for the past few days. It's not like I've been extraordinarily busy this week or anything! Sometimes I amaze myself with my own laziness and sloth. Tonight is Friday night, so what did I do after returning home - I fell asleep on the floor watching TV. That's an exciting way to kick off the weekend! This week I did manage to run a couple times, get in a Bikram yoga class, and mow the lawn. Work has been extremely slow. I guess we're in a recession or something, because people are just not coming in for root canals. Imagine that! I've been at that shithole of an office now for over four months - I don't know how much longer I can take it. Going back on active duty is looking better and better. The grass is always greener............

Here's a few pics of our second and last night in Kanazawa. Yet another izakaya with the inlaws. I should have written down the names of these places when I could. My whole time in Japan I was never big on the sake. Maybe because I had a bad experience with some cheapie, rot-gut sake early on in my first tour over there. Anyway, I tried some really nice sake a few times in Kanazawa. And just like most alcoholic beverages, the higher-grade, more expensive you get, the smoother it is. The varieties I tried were more like a nice, dry white wine. I think I could really get into them. And when it's cold outside, it's really nice to get some attakai-sake (warm sake).

1 comment:

Jetty said...

You look like you were feeling that sake! I don't usually drink it, either, or I'll end up calling my old friend Ralph. I do like the Sho Chiku Bai which most sushi restaurants around here have and the Publix down the road carries.

Aren't I glamorous?