Friday, August 15, 2008


So I'm digging through some old photos tonight and I come across a packet of postcards that were complimentary when we took the Kirin Beer Village tour in Yokohama back in January 2007. I had completely forgotten about these; don't hassle me about that - we stumbled out of that place in such a drunken stupor, I was lucky to make it home with my house key, enough fare for the train, and both shoes on my feet. Anyway, they feature a character soooo cute, I think I'm going to have to scratch my eyeballs out. His name is Ecojiro, and my best guess is that he's supposed to be the "foamy, hoppy goodness from a perfectly pulled pint of refreshing Kirin lager" (thanks for the royalty on that one, Kirin!). The reason I think that's what he's supposed to be is because of the last image below. Look at how wistfully he's gazing at that smiling bottle of Kirin beer. Don't you want to go to your home, little beer-foam guy? Your bags are packed. You've got your tickets in hand. What's wrong with you? Are you too good for your home?

Only in Japan can something from a beer advertisement be so freakin' cute. Ecojiro-san truly is a friend of nature (and drunken tomfoolery). If you have any thoughts on what else he may be, please share!

1 comment:

Jetty said...

I think he was born out of beer foam. He sure is cute!

Aren't I glamorous?