Thursday, August 14, 2008

Oceans To Oceans, Coast To Coast

That's a line from an old Lightning Seeds song, by the way (anybody remember them?). Last Thursday through Monday, Akemi and I flew up to Virginia Beach and visited old friends. Not too much has changed compared to three years ago. Traffic is still horrendous and the highways are falling apart, but people are still basically friendly. We stayed with Jason and Yuko and their precious daughter, Kasumi. My buddy Paul and his lovely wife Efrat also drove down from D.C. to see us. A good time was had by all. We even took in three hot yoga classes (not Bikram, mind you; "Bikram" is a copyrighted style) at a spectacular studio called Hot House Yoga. There's just no escaping from yoga - especially when my wife is a yoga instructor. It's all good though. I've progressed from the flexibility of a street light to the flexibility of an old 2 x 4.

1 comment:

the Albino Bowler said...

got your post. Mojito comin' up, just for you...

I'll post late tonight. And don't worry, there will be a Grizzly reference. I've got a few posts comin down the pike in the next three days. Stay tuned...


Aren't I glamorous?