Friday, August 22, 2008

Movie Seasoning

I have to confess a guilty pleasure, which for some of you may bring my masculinity into question. I've watched the movie "Before Sunrise", directed by Richard Linklater, multiple times and I finally watched "Before Sunset" from Netflix last night. I had to do so after Akemi went to bed because she doesn't like movies that are all dialogue, as is "Sunset", and have no real climax or resolution or "denouement". Also, Americans tend to talk too much (I know Julie Delpy is French, but it's still an American-made movie). But somehow I enjoyed the first movie because the dialogue is so rich and Ethan Hawke is a pretty decent actor. The second movie is not great, but somehow it also covers a lot of great topics in the dialogue that you may not get in pretty much any other movie. I was not totally happy with the ending, though I can't think of a good alternate way to end it. It does, however, end with a great Nina Simone song. Nina Simone is like seasoning for movies - if you want to spice up an otherwise bland movie, throw in an obscure Nina Simone song and there you go -- instant art house masterpiece! Here's a few other movies that have strategically used Nina songs: "Point Of No Return" (American remake of "La Femme Nikita"), "Stealing Beauty", and "The Dancer Upstairs". All movies I somehow liked, but which are definitely cult classics - using the word "classics" loosely. Here's the song from "Sunset". Enjoy!

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