Friday, August 1, 2008

Nine Years And Counting

Yesterday, Akemi and I celebrated 9 years of marital bliss! July 31 is our wedding anniversary. It's so crazy to think that it's already been 9 years since we put the wedding together and had my family fly all the way to Japan for it. Those were insanely-fun times, and we're still crazy in love. I can remember everything like it was just yesterday. We had sort of a quiet celebration yesterday. We had a nice dinner at a Mediterranean restaurant called "Zaitoon". It was overpriced, but good (see: big plate, little food). We sat out on the patio vice indoors because it's always nicer sitting outside at sunset in Florida in the summertime. Most indoor places are cooled down like meat lockers (like my office). I'm really looking forward to this weekend and next week when I take some time off. Cheers!

1 comment:

Jetty said...

Congrats! That's truly awesome and I wish you guys many more years of bliss.

Aren't I glamorous?