Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wilco And Associates

We're back safe and sound from Virginia Beach. More on that trip later, but first I wanted to tell you about the Wilco show at the Florida Theater on last Wednesday, 06 Aug. First off, I love that venue. It's an 80 year old historic theater, and there really isn't a bad seat in the house. Not that I'm a sound engineer or anything, but I think the acoustics are great. Wilco put on an awesome show. I thoroughly enjoyed it and thought they sounded fantastic live. They are profoundly talented musicians and Jeff Tweedy's voice was in top form. If you closed your eyes, the songs may have well been coming from a recording. My only gripe is that they did not play more than 2 or 3 songs from "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot", their most popular and, in my opinion, best album. But I can understand that some musicians must get tired of fans expecting the most popular crap over and over, wherever they go. Also, it was completely unnecessary that everyone stood up half way through the show. I'm old - who says I actually have to stand up at rock concerts anymore? I bet Jeff Tweedy doesn't stand up for rock shows (he's old too). Akemi enjoyed the show also, but really dug the opening act, Bon Iver, who definitely had a Sigur Ros thing going on. Hey fools - check out my pics below, stay in school, drink your milk, don't do drugs.

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