Wednesday, August 6, 2008


We're getting ready to go to Virginia Beach tomorrow to catch up with some old friends. Also, my all-time favorite surf shop is there - Freedom Surf. It's definitely an experience to go there as it's not like any other surf shop. The mood and design of it all is totally retro-60s mellow psychedelia and the people there are really nice, not pushy or snotty like Aqua East, the Wal-Mart of surf shops here in Jax Beach. I was checking FS's website and came across the trailer to this new Matthew McConaughey movie and was appalled (as were the folks at FS). MM's (I'm not going to type that long-ass name more than once) smug, dorkey smile gets more and more annoying the more I see it on tv and magazines. I definitely think he's worn-out his pop culture welcome. But not only that, he totally perpetuates some really old, cliched stereotypes about surfers/surfing here that nobody has found entertaining since Jeff Spicoli in Fast Times. That ass-clown may surf in real life, but he's done everyone else who does an egregious disservice by making this movie. If Hollywood wanted to make a big budget surf movie, they should have gotten Eddie Vedder, someone else that surfs and is eternally cooler. That's my five cents...check out the trailer for yourself.

Tonight is the Wilco show. More posts to come on that and our trip after we return next Monday. Enjoy the steamy, blistering weekend!


Jetty said...

Have a great trip! Sorry I couldn't stand to watch that whole trailer. I remember seeing pics of him jumping around on the beach in those fugly black and white shorts months ago and everyone was making fun of him looking and acting like a geico caveman.

Berndog said...


Actually, those black and white trunks are supposed to be an homage to Greg Noll, one of the pioneers of big wave surfing who basically opened Waimea Bay, Hawaii to the rest of the world (see the movie "Riding Giants"). Those were his signature shorts. I bet he's cringing now seeing such a cheesy hodad donning those same trunks.

Jetty said...

No doubt!

Aren't I glamorous?