Saturday, May 3, 2008

All's Fair In Yoga and War

So today after work I took Bikram yoga. Akemi taught and it was a good class. Afterward we headed down to Atlantic Beach to one of our favorite little beach bars - Caribee Key. They make the best Mojitos around! (Didn't I mention that already). Afterward, we sat out on a nearby outdoor patio, had some more beer and coffee, and listened to some live music. Akemi's boss, Rob - the owner of the yoga studio - met up with us and we just shot the breeze for about an hour or so. Nice atmosphere and beautiful weather! I love drinking outdoors in the summertime. And May in Florida is incredible! I relish the August and September heat and humidity, but it's nice right now because the bugs aren't out yet. We chatted mainly about different yoga students, and it never ceases to amaze me how many "problem customers" there are at a yoga studio. It's only yoga for God's sake, people! Rob actually had to ask a patron to leave his studio and never return (and refunded her money) because she would not pay attention to the oral instruction, distracting him and other students, and when he asked her nicely to follow along with the class she actually flagged him a bird! And apparently she's done this to other instructors as well. Then other people come to him with a whole host of other complaints - it's too hot, class is too long, you're too strict, why can't we have a moist jasmine-infused towel at the end of class, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I thought I dealt with weirdos and all their emotional, psychological baggage at my office! Has this country become a group of namby-pamby wussies in the time I've been away, or has it always been like this and I just didn't notice before? Grow a pair, people, or start brushing up on your Mandarin and Cantonese for when the Chinese occupy this country in the next fifty years!

Oh lord, I'm sounding like some kind of right-wing radio talk show host!

1 comment:

Jetty said...

It's alright, being in the states will do that to you after living elsewhere. You're not one of the sheep that's slowly being herded in a certain direction. I'm at the point where I just laugh at things like that. I get cussed out all of the time at my work by idiotic people who don't even know their own address and want to yell at me because their package is late. People have no respect anymore. They're all spoiled little sheep!

Aren't I glamorous?