Tuesday, May 13, 2008

New Additions

So on Sunday we had some unexpected visitors, appropriate for Mothers' Day. The strong blustery winds blew down a bird's nest out of one of the tall pine trees in our backyard and scattered all of the babies that were inside. There were five total, two of which did not survive. They were very small, probably the younger ones of the pack. The other three were slightly stunned, but healthy. They were pretty large for chicks, so we guess that they were crows or ravens. We placed them back into their nest and waited to see if the mother would come back. We were not sure if she located them or not, so we placed the nest into a cardboard box and Akemi took them to the studio with her since she had to teach a 4pm class and I needed to be at my brother's for Mothers' Day luncheon. The pet shop next door gave her some baby bird formula to feed them. They were very content and slept soundly afterward. Yesterday, Akemi drove them up to BEAKS, a bird sanctuary and rehabilitation facility up in Fernandina. It was a nice little adventure for Akemi because she got to take the Mayport Ferry across the St. John's River for the first time. She was pretty sad last night about giving them away, but it's all good. They'll get the appropriate care they need until they're ready to fly in another week or two.


Jetty said...

You guys are some good eggs!

Berndog said...

Aren't they just the sweetest little things you ever saw!

Jetty said...

They really are!

Aren't I glamorous?