Thursday, May 15, 2008

Food Porn

Please excuse my laziness! There's no excuse why I haven't posted something new on here in a few days. Today was unusual. All but one of my patients cancelled, so I had most of the day to spend with Akemi, run, sleep in, and watch waaaay too many episodes of Bravo's "Top Chef" reality show. I'm not sure why I'm addicted - I'm not a chef, not really a 'foodie' outside of Japanese cuisine, and I'm not a connoisseur of reality shows in general, so it must just be the creativity and tension of it all. Isn't it funny how you can watch a show about fine cuisine while consuming half a bag of Doritos? Bravo seems to have the most interesting reality shows, but it makes one wonder if this trend will ever end or is it a permanent part of American pop culture. Nonetheless, I find myself rooting for some of the competitors and booing others. I'm sure a lot of that has to do with selective editing on the part of the producers to create a mood. Anyway, it was good fun, but I better turn off the idiot box and do something more spending countless hours plugging every possible topic I can think of into Wikipedia! Somebody save me from myself!

1 comment:

Jetty said...

You slacker! I'm addicted to Wikipedia! I get sucked into it at work and go from topic to topic. A tangled web I weave on that site!

Aren't I glamorous?