Monday, November 24, 2008

More Old Friends

This weekend was not bad. Got some yoga and running in and met some friends out at Culhane's Irish Pub on Friday night, then an old friend from high school at the same place last night. Work is frighteningly slow, so I'm considering my other options right now, all of which include moving away from this area in some manner - i.e. looking outside of Jacksonville for another practice to get into or rejoining the military. Everything is completely up in the air. I was pretty depressed about it for a few weeks, but somehow I'm starting to feel optimistic again. I realize the economy goes in waves, so at some point it has to get better. I was really kicking myself, though, for getting off active duty last December. I got up and walked away from what I had in Japan to move here. I was absolutely happy in Japan (outside of work; and even work wasn't that terrible) and probably could have finished out my career there bouncing back and forth between Yokosuka and Okinawa since most dental officers do NOT want to take those billets in Japan. Don't ask me why! They have no idea what kind of opportunity for travel they're missing out on. But I screwed up thinking the grass is always greener somewhere else - in my case I thought the grass was greener in private practice, which it isn't necessarily. So now it's time to regroup and plan. I know I bad-mouth Jacksonville and the South in general a lot, but we now have a pretty good group of friends here which will only make leaving harder. Time will tell.


Jetty said...

Things will work out for you. You've always got the beach! Like I've said before, it could always be worse, atleast you're not in Georgia! Though I bad-mouth Georgia I'll miss it when I move.

Berndog said...

When/where are you moving to?

Jetty said...

North Carolina sometime next year.

Aren't I glamorous?