Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election 2008

So right now I'm watching the election results with baited breath. This is the first election that I've paid so much attention to. I'm sooooo wanting Obama to take this thing and put it in his back pocket!! It's funny because I really do respect McCain for what he went through as a POW, but I just absolutely do not want his party to continue their reign of ignorance and bullying anymore. My wife just came to the epiphany today that should something happen to him, then Caribou Barbie takes the con - uuuuh... yeah, scary stuff! I try to stay out of political discussions at work. Our little office is basically a family business, and if they knew my political predilections they would probably fire me (which may not be all that of a bad thing as I am now seriously considering going back on active duty). Something else I've come to realize is that many of the people I grew up with now consider themselves diehard republicans. When did this happen, and how come I didn't get the memo?? These were people that were more liberal than Jerry Garcia when we were growing up and now all of sudden they've become the moral majority - self-righteous, overly-religulated automatons! Maybe I didn't do enough as a true friend to prevent this from happening. Maybe kids have something to do with it. Seems like once people start having kids they start turning "red". I took a turn towards the dark side during my residency over 5 years ago, but then realized the error of my ways. After being stationed overseas and talking to plenty of foreign people, I've come to the realization that the U.S. may or may not need McCain, but the world definitely needs Obama. Godspeed, Obama-chan!

1 comment:

Jetty said...

We won!!! We are the moral majority as should be. Time to get this country back on track, then maybe you wouldn't be itching so badly to get out of it!

Aren't I glamorous?