Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Awful Blogger

Sounds like the name of an Irish pub, doesn't it?

That would be me. No excuses. This weekend was drill, of course, since I originally thought it was last weekend. It went fine and I got a lot accomplished administratively. Plus, Friday we went out to dinner with my brother and last night we went out drinking with yoga friends. Admittedly, I was hurting this morning. Unfortunately, no yoga, running, or surfing this weekend, so I need to make up for it this coming week. Also, this coming week is the last full week of my current job - the end to quite possibly the most miserable seven months of my career. Thank you sweet little baby Jesus! I even get about a 10-day break in between jobs. Akemi and I have plans to see Wilco in concert on 06 August, then go up to Virginia Beach for a few days to visit old friends. I'm really looking forward to a few days off. I'm also looking forward to working at an office with some semblance of professionalism. It's been said before... all things must pass.

1 comment:

Jetty said...

Right on. You deserve a break! Have fun in Virginia Beach. I'm going to Myrtle Beach in October. I've not been to either place before.

Aren't I glamorous?