Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Short Circuit 3

Last night we went and saw that new Pixar dog and pony show, "Wall-E". Just kidding - it was actually great, as expected. I won't ruin the story here, as many people haven't seen it yet. Just a few comments. The CGI is insane!! It is un-freakin-believable what they can do now. The graphics in this one make the first "Toy Story" look like a junior high school project! The textures and colors look so realistic - it really looks like they filmed shots of actual tangible objects - but no, that's all CGI. Also, do the conceptual artists realize that Wall-E looks like Johnny 5 from "Short Circuit"? Does anyone remember that movie other than me? Remember - Ally Sheedy, Steve Guttenberg, and Fisher Stevens doing a really bad impression as an Indian scientist. (What? They couldn't hire a real Indian guy back in the 80s?). My favorite line from that movie: "Shit? Where see shit? No see shit". Anyway, there's obviously lots of other influences going on in "Wall-E" - especially Mac computers. When Wall-E reboots it makes the same start-up tone that my Mac makes. The beginning of the movie is very reminiscent of "I Am Legend", with Wall-E being the only intelligent life remaining, and the first 15-20 minutes of the movie contains no dialogue as we see how he lives his daily life (as with Will Smith in "Legend"). Also, Eve absolutely looks like either an i-Something creation or a robot that you might find in Akihabara, Tokyo. And the "Buy 'N Large" conglomerate. Is that Wal-Mart or what? It's funny because my wife asked me if American people will enjoy this movie because it clearly busts on them on two accounts: 1) All surviving earthlings on the Axiom space cruiser are grossly obese and partake in absolutely no physical activity. In fact, they float around on "hover chairs" captivated by holo-phones whilst being fed pureed fast foods. We all could easily be headed in that direction. 2) The ultimate goal of the surviving generation of people is to locate sustainable plant life back on Earth, which would be a tell-tale sign that they could return to the planet and initiate recolonization. This is totally a moral on leading a "Green" lifestyle, something a lot of people have a point of contention with. My answer to Akemi is that in my estimation, people (i.e. Americans) would totally be content floating around in hovering Lazee-Boys watching holo-Monday-Night-Football while slurping down a pureed extra large Meat Lovers' Pizza. Who needs trees? Hell, who needs a breathable atmosphere? Go see this movie - it's worth seeing on the big screen.

Side note - Maria Sangria - if you're reading this, thanks for your MySpace message last month. Sorry I couldn't reply. My account is totally hosed up with them so I can't really use it anymore (in fact, I rarely even check it). I can't really stand MySpace anyway. Drop me a comment some time on this site!

1 comment:

Jetty said...

I thought that was the robot from Short Circuit! I didn't like that movie, Johnny 5 got on my nerves.

Aren't I glamorous?