Sunday, December 14, 2008

One Year American Anniversary

So this weekend is very bittersweet for me. It was this weekend one year ago that we flew back from Japan. It's so crazy that it's already been one year. Some days I miss being in Japan with such a passion and promise myself that we'll return there for longterm again some day. I still think it's going to happen, but it's going to take a lot of planning. At every point during this past year I kept telling myself "one year ago in Japan we were doing ____________". Well now that it's been one year since we returned, I need to stop living in the past. This year has definitely been bumpy, but I'm extremely optimistic about 2009. It is amazing the friends we've gained or reconnected with and some of the experiences we've had since we've been back. This has all been part of learning, growing, and transforming and it can only get better.


Jetty said...

I hated leaving Japan so much! Germany wasn't so bad but Japan is like a whole other world, almost unreal. It gets easier but I still miss it and we left in '92. I've always said if I make enough money I'm moving back in a heartbeat!

Berndog said...

Can you believe it was that long ago?! It really is a different world there. It felt like some kind of big Disneyworld to me (though my wife would beg to differ!). It was like being in the U.S., but completely different! (that doesn't make any sense, but you know what I mean!)

I still have weird dreams about being in Japan, and I'm sure they will continue for awhile. It will be so strange to go back there for a visit!

Jetty said...

I know exactly what you mean! People who have never been there don't understand just how special it is! My brother's wife wants them to move to Hawaii. Yeah, Hawaii's nice, but come on!

Berndog said...

Your sister-in-law is Japanese, right? Most Japanese people want to go to Hawaii!! It's not a bad place because there is plenty of Japanese culture there (grocery stores, restaurants, Japanese festivals, etc.) along with the tropical climate, but I have had people tell me that you get "rock" fever after being there for awhile. My wife and I have also seriously considered moving there because I have a very good friend there that will be opening his own dental office. I'm a little concerned though because they don't like "haoles" there too much. My friend will have no problems because he grew up there and he's Philipino.

Aren't I glamorous?