Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jingle All The Way

As promised here are a few pics from the Jingle Bell 5K Run from last Sunday. We ran with our friend, Diane. She's one of our yoga/drinking buddies (what a dichotomy), and she used to be a competitive runner. This run was purely for fun, as the route went through the historic San Marco neighborhood along the river during Luminaria. The only difficulty was dodging countless walkers, children, and people that don't run on a regular basis. I do need to get serious about training for the next half marathon in February though.


Jetty said...

I sort of grew up with the Hash House Harriers, and my first club was the Samurai Hash House Harriers in Japan. I wonder if you ever ran with them. Seems perfect for you two. Their motto is a drinking club with a running problem.

Berndog said...

I know of the HHH, but I've never been a member of them. There is a chapter here in Jacksonville. I haven't gotten around to joining up with them. Probably wouldn't be a bad idea! Probably motivational to get out there and run a little more.

Jetty said...

Oh, I loved it in Japan, you got to really see the country side and city. We'd go on overnight trips, too. We used to go to Tama Lodge every year and I loved that place! It's cool in the states, too, though my dad did one on base and the MP's had him on the ground because they wanted to know what he was doing throwing white powder {flour} down on the ground.

Berndog said...

I heard about a similar incident somewhere else where some runners dropped some flour in a parking lot of a Walmart or Target and were arrested. This was during that anthrax scare a few years ago.

Aren't I glamorous?