Thursday, March 27, 2008

Last Roadrace In Japan

Here's a couple pics from my last roadrace in Japan. It was the Yokosuka Seaside 1/2 Marathon, which started in the city of Yokosuka, coursed down the coast to the Kannonzaki lighthouse and back again. My time was about 1:51 - about 2-3 minutes longer than my usual time, which can be completely attributed to the fact that I had to stop about 1/2 way through to take a wicked piss (sorry - too much information). That usually doesn't happen to me, but I think I overdid it with the coffee beforehand. By the way, I'll post a few more final activities from Japan before we left. I'll try to keep the verbage to a minimum. I don't want to bore you, plus I might get too emotional because I'm hella homesick for Japan right now...

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Aren't I glamorous?