Monday, December 22, 2008

What I Want For Christmas...

This is all the rage this season! All the kids want it...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

That's Our Luna-Burrito

Moe's or Chipotle don't have anything on this one!

One Year American Anniversary

So this weekend is very bittersweet for me. It was this weekend one year ago that we flew back from Japan. It's so crazy that it's already been one year. Some days I miss being in Japan with such a passion and promise myself that we'll return there for longterm again some day. I still think it's going to happen, but it's going to take a lot of planning. At every point during this past year I kept telling myself "one year ago in Japan we were doing ____________". Well now that it's been one year since we returned, I need to stop living in the past. This year has definitely been bumpy, but I'm extremely optimistic about 2009. It is amazing the friends we've gained or reconnected with and some of the experiences we've had since we've been back. This has all been part of learning, growing, and transforming and it can only get better.

Jingle All The Way

As promised here are a few pics from the Jingle Bell 5K Run from last Sunday. We ran with our friend, Diane. She's one of our yoga/drinking buddies (what a dichotomy), and she used to be a competitive runner. This run was purely for fun, as the route went through the historic San Marco neighborhood along the river during Luminaria. The only difficulty was dodging countless walkers, children, and people that don't run on a regular basis. I do need to get serious about training for the next half marathon in February though.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Weekend

I find myself in the midst of another weekend. Here's the plan: yoga, beer, sleep, repeat. Just kidding - we are going over to some friends' house later to watch the Gators gam (Gasp! I'm watching football! Somebody check my temperature!). Tomorrow, Akemi and I will run a fun little 5K "Festival Of Lights" run with our friend Diane through the historic San Marco neighborhood in the evening. Tomorrow night is what they call "Luminaria", where several neighborhoods line the streets with luminaries - candles in paperbags weighted down with sand. Doesn't sound that thrilling, but it's actually quite beautiful when there are endless lines of thousands of them. I'll try to take some new photos to post on here and faceboob.

Oh Baby!

So here's the album cover to Mozzer's new album coming out next year. Albeit babies usually aren't that commonplace on the cover of rock albums, I love this photo. Morrissey looks about as comfortable as I do holding an infant. But there's great irony here - Moz in all of his retro-coolness and "Will Never Marry" swagger toting around this little crumbgrabber. The icing on the cake is the Fred Perry shirt with sleeves rolled up. Does it get any cooler than that? And the devilish look on that kids face! He knows something we don't. And who drew on his forehead? Can't wait to hear this one. As usual, I'm sure it won't disappoint.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Netflix Rules The World!

I just got an e-mail today that Netflix now has instant-play movies and tv shows viewable on Mac computers! And to boot, when you view a movie on your computer it doesn't count against your monthly subscription service. Guess I'll be wasting twice as many hours as I already do in front of my computer!

Crazy Dentist Movie

Well, not really so "crazy", but this movie "Reign Over Me" had quite an effect on me. I wasn't sure what to make of it before seeing it the other day, as I had just read a quick blurb about it a while back on the Tokyo Metropolis site, but I knew I was intrigued. Plus, sometimes I don't like to know too much about a movie before I see it. The constant in-your-face trailers depicting every key scene nowadays gives me movie-fatigue, and I'm often bored by the time I see the film in full length. But this movie, starring Don Cheadle ("Boogie Nights", "Hotel Rwanda") and Adam Sandler, is a story about two dentists (can you dig it? I can) reconnecting for the first time in years since dental school. In that interim of time, Adam Sandler's character loses his wife, 3 girls, and his dog in the 911 attack on the World Trade Center and he basically drops out of society in full PTSD mode and lives a reclusive life, independently wealthy from the settlement he received from the loss of his family. Needless to say, this isn't Adam Sandler's typical fare, a very sad story indeed but there are some great comedic moments. I won't spoil anymore of it for you, but I gotta put a plug in for Adam Sandler's crazy Bob Dylanesque hairdo and the cool oldskool soundtrack in this movie!

More emotionally-bruised dentist movies please! Dentists need love too.

Aren't I glamorous?