Thursday, October 16, 2008

Some Recent Movies

In the past I've donated money to NetFlix just because I haven't been watching the movies fast enough in my plan. Lately, however, we've been trying to catch up so I've seen a few interesting flicks:

Black Snake Moan - An interesting morality play on confronting our personal demons (as well as Christina Ricci walking around in her underwear for half the movie). Both her, Samuel L. Jackson, and Justin Timberlake do a fine job and I was pretty well entertained. It's a pretty good portrait of the Deep South as well.

Bourne Ultimatum - We own the first two movies on DVD, but for some reason it took me over a year to finally get around to watching the 3rd and final installment. It's basically more of the same fights, car chases, and Jason Bourne scaring the hell out of Julia Stiles' character, but it's definitely just as enthralling with some well-received closure to the Bourne mystery. I'm wondering if they'll continue the franchise...

White Light, Black Rain - The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Of course you know from this title that this is no easy fare. Of course it's very depressing and sad, but it does not lecture to the U.S. or to Japan. It is very informative, though, and it was also interesting to see how little Japanese youth know about the course of events in 1945 (from the Tokyo street interviews at the beginning of the movie).

1 comment:

Jetty said...

"Black Snake Moan" was pretty good. I've been slack myself with my netflix account. I'm working on it, though. The "Halloween" remake by Rob Zombie should be here this week after I send back a couple of movies.

Aren't I glamorous?