Sunday, September 28, 2008

"It is what it is"

Yeah, I was away from the states for a couple years, but when did this expression become the phrase sensation that's sweeping the nation? It seems like I hear it everywhere now! Who came up with this? Was it in a commercial or a movie? I've overheard somebody saying it at least five times in the past two weeks. It sounds like such a cop out, to be used when you can offer no real insight into a matter or situation, kind of like "c'est la vie" or "call a spade a spade". It's an automatic conversation ender. Maybe that's a good thing. The next time I'm in line at the bank or the grocery store or on a plane and a stranger tries to spark up meaningless conversation, I'll just offer up "it is what it is" and turn away or close my eyes and pretend to nap. I predict it's going to become as ubiquitous as the expression "dude", being applied to everything from high school exams to traffic fender benders to presidential debates (e.g. "Senator McCain, what are your views on the $700 billion bailout of our country's largest financial institutions?"; "Well Mr. Moderator, it is what it is" (cue relentless applause)). Just wait, "IIWII" is going to replace "WWJD" on bumper stickers. They'll be T-shirts, buttons, motivational posters. America is becoming the "It is what it is" culture! "It is what it is" fever -- catch it!!

1 comment:

Jetty said...

That's funny. It sounds like something my dad would say. He used to love saying, "you pays your money you takes your chances", lame little phrases like that. I think McCain would be more on the defensive side, though. More like, "Well because of the f**king democrats it is what it f**king is!!!".

Aren't I glamorous?